About Me

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I'm all these things in no particular order: human being, woman, Mother, wife, house maintainer, daughter and overwhelmed. My motto is "live life outloud". Keep keen your sense of humor. One day it'll be the only thing that keeps you sane.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Super Sparkle

Nail Polishes: Base coat - Sally Hansen in Mighty Mauve. Sparkle coat - Pure Ice in Spit Fire

I have this great new past time or hobby, if you will. It's called myself.

Yeah, it's great because let me tell you; I, as in me myself and I, have been missing a long time.

I take time to do things I enjoy, no matter how trivial or silly they may seem, I stop and smell the flowers or in this case the nail polish.

1 comment:

  1. Aah ! I love having Andrea back to blogging :)
